A few things about me 💁

User Researcher

Being passionate about understanding and improving the intersection between human and technology, I am curious to learn about individuals as a user researcher. My academic and industry projects in Human-computer Interaction equip me with a solid understanding of interaction science and design, which reinforced my research interest in the intersection of technology and human behaviour. I also enjoy evangelising user research practice and engage with the community.

Product Person

In the past years, I have worked in agile teams in large enterprise and small start-up companies (and even start-up in a large company!). I have been doing work in the product management side as well such as maintaining backlog, leading team's presence in conferences, presenting the product to users and vendors, hosting user education workshops, and doing competitor analysis. These experiences enable me to communicate concisely with users, engineers and designers.

talking to customers in an industry conference

Data analyst

I enjoy building impactful data visualisation through storytelling. My Master’s degree in Human-Computer Interaction equips me with vigorous research and analytical skills, whereas my BBA degree in Management Information System with minor in Statistics have built my skills in wrangling, visualising and making inference from large datasets. The combination of my education is essential for my approach to user research, because it allows me to marry qualitative methodologies to quantitative analysis.

chloropleth map on wall with pedestrians passing by

Health Tech Advocate

Apart from research, I actively advocate for health technologies including digital therapeutics, quantified self, medical tech. As a tech officer at UCL MedTech , I am responsible for mentoring participants in the recent PulseHackathon, in collaboration with the MIT hackathon team. My interest in solving healthcare problem with technologies is truly aligned with my work in MedTech UCL. During my time there, I organised seminars with industry leaders, such as startup founders and women in tech to share their experience. These experiences, concurrently done with my research work, have equipped me with multitasking skill under time constraints, and the ability to present ideas to people with different areas of expertise.

AI in Medicine Conference

The MedTech team

Where I worked and studied

🇬🇧London, UK
🇺🇸San Jose, CA
🇨🇳Beijing, China
🇺🇸Columbia, SC
🇭🇰Hong Kong

Contact me

I am always interested to solve design problem through research. Let's get in touch!



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